Having this full day to work on my writing and not worry about having work tonight, I'd believed that I would edit some of my older stories, primarilly "You Never Forget Your First" which was my intended short story to bring to my workshop.
Failure remained close, and I accomplished nothing so much as leaving Wordpad open all day without editing anything. There was a ton I would have liked to edit, and know that I need to edit, except I just didn't feel like it. I'd like to blame it on something, but it was just laziness and lack-of passion, the latter being something that every writer is supposed to buck up and deal with.
I, like so many foolish amateur writers, started a novel-project not too long ago. The entire thing is planned in mind, the chapter presentations are mostly concrete save a few unavoidable alterations and the first six chapters are handwritten. I just recently got my laptop, which I had told myself that, when I get this device, I would begin typing up the novel.
I want to, except I don't, indifferent to my failure to edit today.
Laziness all around, I do nothing but complain. Either way, I'll figure out, eventually, what I'm bringing to workshop.
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