This is by far the most troubling assignment I've had. It's not so much as the transition of POV, but the actual assignment.
I can't explain, too frustrated to actually "articulate" (I hate that word) upon.
Basically, I ignored the concept of POV transition and focused instead on the five-points feature of this. I started writing a story involving orange trees, rowdy boys and a theoretical Tree of Knowledge from the bible. It came off cute, and was fun, and I liked writing on something, however mildly, religious. That said, the story evolved into this thirteen page and going strong project and suddenly I realized that not only was it going to be a hassle to re-do, but that first person was going to destroy the story. The only character of the three within it that could have taken the role of narrator was, like most of my horrible stories, holding a secret. The way I presented the 3rd person was that the secret wasn't on his mind, that him and his mate were just going on a rowdy adventure where the actual, unknown climax suddenly occurs. To write this in first person, I couldn't think of anything that wouldn't totally destroy the boy-character that I actually liked.
It wasn't happening, so I stopped working on that and tried writing a story about dancers and the idea that "good dancing" was gained through a drug.
It wasn't interesting, and I didn't care for it, though I spent two hours writing it only to drop it.
Then I started writing a story about two politicians whom are basically angry. It was garbage also.
Three ideas followed and I found I was stuck in a "couple" trap, that I couldn't even contemplate writing a story without having it focus on two characters. Twelve beers and six hours of sleep later, I woke up at 4 am panicing and wrote the story I handed in.
That story has actually been on my mind for a while, except in no way, shape, or form like it was told in what I submitted. Again, I was stuck on couples and focused entirely on the girl.
Actually, I don't want to talk about this. It's depressing, and I fucking hate the story I submitted and despite this being "just for school" I don't like having something so crudely written represent whatever the hell it is I'm trying to present (badly).
I'm writing another story and handing it in tuesday. Doesn't matter if it is read or not, for my own damn sanity I'm writing it.
....horrible horrible story. It really is. Regret handing it in for the partial grade entirely.
...I'm yelling on a blog.
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